Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Gorontalo Journal of Forestry Research (GJFR) is a periodical scientific journal published by the Gorontalo University of Forestry Departement. GJFR is published twice a year, in April and October. The purpose of this journal is to provide a place for academics, researchers, and practitioners to publish original research articles or review articles. The scope of articles published in this journal relates to various topics in the fields of :

  • Forest Management
  • Forest Cultivation / Silviculture
  • Forest Conservation
  • Forest Products Technology
  • Ecoutorism
  • Environmental Impact Analys
  • Environment, and
  • Forestry Policy


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process


  1. Reviewer is chosen and determined based on the decision letter by the Faculty of Forestry Gorontalo University.
  2. Reviewer will be given a maximum of 2 (two) texts for review practicality, both in terms of the substance of the problem, research methods, results of research or practicality of reference lists used in the research.
  3. Each reviewer is given the autonomy to recommend to the Editor in accepting or rejecting the text for published.
  4. The time needed for conducting a journal practicality review is 2 (two) weeks after the text is received by the Reviewer.
  5. In the process of reviewing journal eligibility, for one article will be reviewed by two reviewers, if the results of the review show differences recommendation between the first and second reviewers, the Editor Team will appoint the third reviewer for recommendations on the journal that is.
  6. If the reviewer neglects in the matter late in reviewing the manuscript from the deadline determined or did not carry out a script review, editor can retract the manuscript to be submitted to another reviewer.
  7. For reviewers who make negligence in the event of being late in carrying out review the manuscript from a predetermined deadline or do not carry out a review of the manuscript, the Editor may not provide rewards as determined.
  8. For reviewers who have finished carrying out the feasibility study of the manuscript in one issue number (not in one issue volume) well and has been published through print or online media, it has the right get rewards as determined.


  1. Reviewer will get a decision letter to become reviewers of Gorontalo Journal of Forestry Research.
  2. Reviewer will get a certificate as proof of carrying out review of the manuscript of Gorontalo Journal of Forestry Research.
  3. Reviewers are given the opportunity to publish manuscripts in Gorontalo Journal of Forestry Research without any charge.
  4. We will list the names of reviewers in acknowledgment on each issue and on the Website of Gorontalo Journal of Forestry Research.



  1. Access registration: http://jurnal.unigo.ac.id/index.php/gjfr/user/register
  2. Tutorial for conducting journal review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZg8pq0uesg
  3. For confirming registration, prospective reviewers are welcome to fill out Reviewer Identity Form provided in the next attachment, and sent back via email to address: [email protected]
  4. Review notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j_EtiHjG9jL67aGcnw_WLysTEL_SrVsh/edit
  5. For further information please contact: Dian Puspaningrum/082192347347.


Peer Review Process

  1. The editor receives the script from the author.
  2. The editor evaluates the manuscript (Denied if it does not meet the criteria)
  3. Screening editors for plagiarism in offline and online databases manually (Denied if large plagiarism is found, contact the author if small redundancy or plagiarism is found for clarification)
  4. Editor sends the script to the reviewer.
  5. Review process using Double Blind-peer review
  6. Reviewer returns the review form to the Editor (with revised text).
  7. Editor's decision (rejected, requires major revisions, needs minor revisions, or received).
  8. Confirm to the author.
  9. If the revision, the author revises the text and must be returned to the editor without delay. Returns of more than three months will be considered as a new shipment.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.