ANALISIS PERTUMBUHAN GMELINA (Gmelina alborea.Roxb) DAN MAHONI (Swietenia magrophylla.King ) di GORONTALO
The growth of Mahogany at the age of 20 years after the measurement in the field with the width of I ha of 510 trees with an increase of diameter 1.38 cm / year, the number of Volume 174.35 m³ / ha and MAI 8.72 and CAI 12.58. At the time when MAI 9.37 and CAI 9.27 were at one point then it was allowed to harvest with age 30 years with a total voLume of 281.03 m3 / ha. This growth analysis can be used to analyze a tree type and help in analyzing an industrial plant where we want is a shorter age for harvesting so that time and cost are not much wasted
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