Dian Puspaningrum, Murni Djabar


The ground as a system that dynamic, the ground can be turned off than time to tim , according its properties which includes the physical properties , the chemical nature and the nature of mechanical, as well as the state of the environment that productivity a whole determine the ground .A pattern of land use affect the trait of land especially the physical properties of a soil , because the use of or cultivation of the land can result in a system of capillaries on the dotted the ground and the breakdown of the limits of the horizon the ground which gives rise to a setback the physical properties of soil and chemical , as forfeited to the element of the disturbances and organic matter .  The opening of the woodland plant industry ( HTI ) indirectly affect the physical properties on the ground .

Reason this is research objectives , which is to know the true nature of the physical land in the land clearing areal woodland plant industry (HTI). This research is divided into two (2) , activities in the field of the sample collection and testing the sample in the laboratory .The sample collection in the field in a purposive sampling .While the sample done in a laboratory to determine soil texture ,the permeability, the heavy volume ,a color of soil ,the stability of a structure.

The result showed that a color of soil the area of land clearing dominated by the orange color criteria class texture clay , to be the area of natural forest dominated by a shade of brown with class criteria soil texture loam clays , and to the acreage the planting of crops jabon the age of 4 years is dominated by a shade of brown with class criteria soil texture loam clays .Permeability class each area ranged ranging from class criteria rather slow until with the class rather fast.


Woodland Plant Industry, land clearing, nature of the physical land.

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