Gorontalo Journal of Public Health (GJPH), with registered number P-ISSN: 2614-5057 (Print), E-ISSN: 2614-5065 (Online), or accessible in Indonesian as Gorontalo Journal of Public Health is a peer journal - Reviews published twice in April and October by the Faculty of Public Health, Gorontalo University. Gorontalo Journal of Public Health (GJPH) tries to publish conceptual articles, reviews, and research with focus and scope include :
Articles published in Gorontalo Journal of Public Health (GJPH) blind review by peer reviewers. The decision whether scientific articles received or not in this journal will be the Editorial Board's rights based on the recommendations of the peer reviewer. Please read and understand the author's guidelines. Authors who submit the manuscript to the Gorontalo Journal of Public Health (GJPH) editor must submit the author's permission. If the text sent is not in accordance with the guidelines or uses a different format, it will be rejected by the editorial team before being reviewed. The Editorial Team will only accept manuscripts that meet the specified formatting requirements. The journal registered in CrossRef with the prefix Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.32662. |

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Table of Contents
Rahmawati Rahmawati, Sunarti Hanapi, Finati Lahasan
43 - 48
Hairil Akbar, Henny Kaseger, Moh. Rizki Fauzan, Jasira Silvia Mokoginta, Ni Wayan Dimkatni, Dalia Novitasari
49 - 56
Wahyuni Hafid, Yeni Paramata, Sri Ananda Putri H. Mahmud
57 - 66
Mike Susianti, Harimayanti Harismayanti, Cici Apriliani Mahmud
67 - 75
Ellyza Fazlylawati, Nurul Amna, Muhammad Reza Rizki, Urip Pratama, Syukriadi Syukriadi
76 - 83