Hubungan Karakteristik Ibu dan Jarak Pelayanan Kesehatan Dengan Kelengkapan Imunisasi Dasar di Puskesmas Dulukapa

Elvi Libunelo, Yeni Paramata, Rahmawati Rahmawati


Every year more than 1.4 million children in the world die from various
diseases that can be prevented by immunization. The purpose of this
research was to know the relationship of mother characteristic and
distance of health service to the completeness of basic immunization in
infant in Dulukapa.The type of the study was an analytic survey using
cross sectional study design, sampling technique ie exhautive sampling
which was a sampling scheme where the researcher token all the
subjects from the population as the samples as many as 150 babies.
The analysis was used univariate and bivariate analysis with chi
square test. The proportion of infants who received complete
immunization 92 (61.3%) infants and immunizations did not complete as
many as 58 (38.7%) babies. Using the chi square statistical test showed
that there was significant associated between maternal education (p
value = 0.002), maternal occupation (p value = 0,000), maternal
knowledge (p value = 0,000), health service distance (р value = 0,002)
with completeness of immunization base on the baby. To improve the
completeness of basic immunization in infants, the mother should pay
attention to infant health and always bring the baby to the immunization
and to the health center and health personnel to further improve health
education routinely, especially in the provision of basic immunization.


mmunization, Education, Knowledge, Occupation

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