Insan Cita - Universitas Gorontalo Journal of Community Service
Insan Cita - Journal of Community Service is a scientific multidisciplinary journal published by the Community Service Division of Universitas Gorontalo, with registered numbers ISSN Print 2656-3584 and ISSN Online 2656-4769. The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate conceptual thinking or research ideas and results that are has been achieved in the field of community services.
Insan Cita - Journal of Community Service, contains various activities from many sectors in handling and managing various potentials, obstacles, challenges, and problems that exist in the community. Implementation of community service activities also involves community and partner participation. Community service activities are organized into activities that aim to improve the welfare of the community.
Insan Cita - Journal of Community Service publish twice a year, every February and August. Every writer who is interested to this journal could send the manuscript following the writing guidelines that has been set by the editor. The editors will only accept manuscripts that meet the format as stated in the writing guidelines.
Insan Cita - Journal of Community Service, focuses on the main problems in the development of science in the field of community services, as follows, 1) community service and local food security; 2) training, marketing, appropriate technology and design; 3) community empowerment and social access; 4) student community service; 5) development of underdeveloped areas; and 6) education for sustainable development.
Vol 6, No 2 (2024): Agustus 2024 - Insan Cita: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Table of Contents
Nurwita Ismail, Abdul Mutalib H Oli’i, Aisyah Ridwan HT, Dhea Anggraini M, Dita Asoga, Habib Isima, Nur fazril Andreansyah, Nurulizzah Lensun, Novia Mangewa
Yayan Hanapi, Anasrullah M. Antu, Ilham A.Van Gobel, Lisyen Hamzah, Nurmaya Tolingguhu, Sabrawati Ibrahim, Semuel Messe, Titi Nurwahyuni Kadullah, Ulfadiyanti Udju
Ramdhan Kasim, Dikson Junus, Widyawati M. Laiya, Ivana Putri Dunggio, Nursiha Uto, Nurain Halida, Nadia Sri. A Potabuga, Meylan Deluma, Novi Kogoya, Randi Rizki D. Mohi, Moh. Akbar Ghufron H. Yusuf, Andika Putra A. Arsad
Muh. Fachri Arsjad, Robby W. Amu, Daud Rahim, Muten Nuna, Rifsal Ahmad, Novita Olii, Kasmawati Muko, Beni Kaku, Andika Andika, Arman Harun Bahua, Ade Hikma Bakari, Safitri Yanti Hasim, Yurna Deleki, Febiola Bolota
Muliadi Anangkota, Untung Muhdiarta